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Model United Nations International Relationship at Abdurab University 2025 Grand Theme : Resolution of the - Palestine - Israel Conflict

  • Sabtu, 08 Maret 2025
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Model United Nations International Relationship at Abdurab University 2025 Grand Theme : Resolution of the - Palestine - Israel Conflict

On Thursday, March 6, 2025, the International Relations Study Program at Abdurrab University successfully held a Model United Nations (MUN) simulation in Theater 1 of Abdurrab University. This event attracted significant attention, focusing on the important motion regarding "Resolution of the - Palestine - Israel Conflict."

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mr. Kenepri, S.IP, M.Si, as well as the Secretary of the International Relations Study Program, Mrs. Roza Andriani, S.IP, M.Si, and the Head of the Curriculum Evaluation and MBKM Division, Mrs. Dewi Sartika Siagian, SST., M.Kep. Additionally, representatives from 13 study programs at Abdurrab University participated as delegates representing member countries of the United Nations.

The main objective of this event was to enhance participants' communication, diplomacy, and public speaking skills. During the simulation, delegates learned to defend the ideologies of the countries they represented and formulate resolutions related to the issues discussed.

The observers of the session included the Secretary of the International Relations Study Program, Mrs. Roza Andriani, S.IP, M.Si, and the Secretary of the Government Science Study Program, Dr. Kinanti Indah Safitri, S.Sos, M.IL. The MUN simulation was led by the Chair of the Session, Zhakillaa Wury Ramadhani, accompanied by the Vice Chair, M. Andhika RZ, and the Secretary of the Session, Dina Aprita.

The event was lively, featuring healthy debates among several delegates regarding the discussed issues. The results of the simulation also highlighted winners in the categories of Best Delegate and Best Speaker. Muhammad Ikhsan and Hendra, representing the United States, won the Best Delegate award, while Kukuh Elhakim and Desi Warsita, representing China, were declared Best Speaker.

With the success of this event, the International Relations Study Program at Abdurrab University demonstrates its commitment to equipping students with the necessary skills to contribute to diplomacy and international relations. This activity is expected to become a regular agenda that supports the development of students' competencies in the field of international relations.


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